Results 4876 - 4880 of 7734 for metal* (0.0511 seconds)
Precious Metals Recycling in a Global Perspective [28.57% relevance]
Precious Metals Recycling in a Global Perspective Resource … e.V. Publication details Title: Precious Metals Recycling in a Global Perspective Date: … envietech2008 Topics: Mineral resources and metals Öko-Institut e.V., Download File (buchert- - 15.01 kB
Bo2W Closing Event: Possible solution strategies Ghana [28.57% relevance]
Name: Global circular economy of strategic metals - best-of-two-worlds approach (Bo2W) Topics … : Mineral resources and metals Öko-Institut e.V., Download File ( … 'Global circular economy of strategic metals - best-of-two-worlds approach (Bo2W)', - 15.59 kB
Recycling Rates of Metals [28.57% relevance]
Recycling Rates of Metals Resource Fever by Öko-Institut e.V. … details Title: Recycling Rates of Metals Date: May 26th, 2011 File: … UNEP_metals20110526-OeI-shortversion.pdf (1.35 MB) Type … : Brussels Topics: Mineral resources and metals Öko-Institut e.V., Download File ( … UNEP_metals20110526-OeI-shortversion.pdf), More about - 14.67 kB
Press release: Bo2W lead acid batteries [28.57% relevance]
Name: Global circular economy of strategic metals - best-of-two-worlds approach (Bo2W) Topics … : Mineral resources and metals Öko-Institut e.V., Download File (press … 'Global circular economy of strategic metals - best-of-two-worlds approach (Bo2W)', - 15.33 kB
Status des Best of two worlds Projekts - Länderbeispiel Ghana [28.57% relevance]
Name: Global circular economy of strategic metals - best-of-two-worlds approach (Bo2W) Topics … : Mineral resources and metals Öko-Institut e.V., Download File ( … 'Global circular economy of strategic metals - best-of-two-worlds approach (Bo2W)', - 15.62 kB
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This might be the default way to use a search engine. Simply enter one or more keywords and the search engine will return all pages that contain either all keywords (AND query) or at least one keyword (OR query).
2. Wildcard search
By default, the search engine searches for exact keywords only. This means that a search for metal will not return pages containing the words metals or metallic. However, if you want to search for all words that begin with music, you can add an asterisk (*) after the keyword (metal* instead of metal). Of course, you can also put the wildcard in front of a keyword or in the middle of a keyword.
3. Phrase search
Sometimes you only need results that include an exact phrase. E.g. searching for mineral resources would also return the page where the words do not occur in the same context. To narrow your results, simply put quotation marks around your search term ("mineral
resources" instead of mineral
resources) and the search engine will only return pages that contain the exact phrase.
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This feature is particularly useful when you are searching for multiple keyword (OR query) but still want ensure that a page contains a certain keyword. To force a keyword, put a plus (+) in front of it (without space). To exclude a keyword, put a minus (-) in front of it. Thus, pages containing this keyword will not be returned.